Frequently Asked Questions
How often should I visit Raton Family Dental?
For most patients, we recommend twice-yearly visits for cleanings and examinations, with possibility of more depending on your individual needs. At Raton Family Dental, we believe that prevention is truly the key to achieving and maintaining optimum oral health. When you come in for your routine six-month cleaning and check-up appointments, we screen you for these and other conditions.
Seeing the dentist is not just about having a beautiful smile. Oral health exams also play a large role in identifying and preventing potential problems that can interfere with how healthy that smile remains as you age. Our dentists can detect these concerns much earlier than you can, and one reason is that there are often not many symptoms at first.
The American Dental Association (ADA) guidelines recommend visiting your dentist at least twice a year for an exam and cleaning. By maintaining a preventive dental health schedule, you are helping to ensure that you and the ones you love are taking good care of your overall oral health. Preventing tooth and gum disease is relatively easy, as long as you are brushing, flossing, and seeing your dentist twice a year to examine and monitor your condition.